✔️ Post your GIF to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
✔️ Access More Design Templates
✔️ Add Headshot to GIF
✔️ High Fidelity Animation
✔️ Support from Professional Designer
✔️ Select Your Design Preferences
✔️ Video and animated GIFs
❌ Eligible to show up in global GIF search
✔️ Post your GIF to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
✔️ Access More Design Templates
✔️ Add Headshot to GIF
✔️ High Fidelity Animation
✔️ Support from Professional Designer
✔️ Select Your Design Preferences
✔️ Video and animated GIFs
⭐ Eligible to show up in global GIF search
✔️ Post your GIF to Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok
✔️ Access More Design Templates
✔️ Add Headshot to GIF
✔️ High Fidelity Animation
✔️ Eligible to show up in global GIF search
✔️ Select Your Design Preferences
✔️ Video and animated GIFs
⭐Eligible to show up in global GIF search
⭐Unlimited Revisions
Shortly after you place your order, you will receive an email with your design form. Here, you will upload your images and preferences. We always try our best to include all of the elements that you submit, but keep in mind that we have an extremely limited design space and may need to adjust based on the items that you submit.Your order is not submitted until we have the answers to the design form.
It typically takes 7-14 business days to create your GIFs (as long as there are no issues with the design elements).
If you purchased the add-on service to help make your GIFs searchable, GIPHY can take up to 2 weeks to review our application. However, we will send you the GIF files as soon as they are ready and you can use a workaround method in the meantime.
We have an optional add-on service where we can apply to have your new GIFs searchable for you! However, there are a few requirements:
1. Your email, website and branding must all match (GIPHY will not approve generic emails like gmail.com)
2. This service requires a 5 GIF minimum
If you do not meet the requirements, don't worry! There is an alternative method that we will send a tutorial of when we deliver your GIFs.
We offer 1 complimentary revision once you receive your GIFs. To avoid any issues, we highly recommend being as specific as possible on your design form.
If you are not happy with your GIFs we are happy to provide you a full refund.
Yes! All the GIF packages include the option to make video GIFs as well. You will need to film a short 6 second video behind a solid colored background.